Thursday, July 17, 2014


It occurs to me that I've posted relatively little, in my almost-concluded time here, about the days which are relatively normal. Partly, this is because these are the days I don't take time to photograph. Mostly, though, it's because I spend much of my days inside the archive, where I have lovely chats, share mild academic humor, and look through vast quantities of medieval documents, the transcriptions of no-longer-extant medieval documents by 18th- and 19th-century antiquarians, and various obscure modern publications. It's not terribly photogenic, though it's often enjoyable. But here is one of my favorite everyday views: my bike parked in front of the 1912 building housing the archives and city library:

Also featured: my trusty briefcase. After returning from a recent conference in Munich (where I got to meet up with a friend now at Yale doing summer work at the MGH, and attend an opera) I took Saturday brunch at "my" hospital before getting myself organized for proper grocery shopping:

Another occasional treat is the excellent coffee business that has its fancy café in the center of town, and its roasting headquarters (with a few tables) just a few blocks from the archives. And I've been in Mainz just long enough to get the 10th bonus coffee free:

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